티스토리 뷰
a. the claim ;that you made ;(relative clause-형용사절)
b. the claim ;that you made a mistake-(명사보어절)
i) ;명사보어절
the fact ;that he has left
the idea ;that the world is round
the claim ;that you are wrong
the theory ;that rules apply cyclically
ii)관계 대명사절과 명사 보어절의 차이점
a. ;명사보어절에는 ;that만 사용가능한 반면 형용사관계절에는 ;that, which, who, ;등 가능
the claim ;that/which you made ;(relative clause)
the claim ;that/*which you made a mistake ;(noun complement clause)
b. ;형용사관계절에서는 관계대명사가 생략 가능한 반면 명사보어절에서는 생략하면 부자연한(unidiomatic) ;표현이 된다.
the theory ;Chomsky developed ;(relative clause)
?the theory ;rules apply cyclically ;(noun complement clause)
c. ;형용사 보어절은 모든 명사를 수식 가능하지만 명사보어절은 특정 명사 뒤에만 위치한다.(fact, theory, idea, claim ...,)
the car ;that you bought ;(relative clause)
*the car ;that the world is round ;(noun complement clause)
'It' 카테고리의 다른 글
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