티스토리 뷰


보어의 새로운 정의

worknettwo 2023. 1. 21. 02:01

Complement: A gerneral term to denote any constituent whose presence is required by another element. (Analyzing Sentence-Noel Burton-Roberts, Pearson)


a. The defendant denied the charge: they claim that they did [not ;destroy ;the garden]

b. She proposed [ an ;analysis ;of the sentence]

c. Jake is [ so ;fond ;of coffee]

d. They are [quite ;in ;agreement]

e. My sister cycles [much ;faster ;than me]


Ex) proud [of John], put [the book on the table],

on [the table], persuade [Mary to leave]


3. Types of complements

1) Finite clause (that- and ;whether-clause)

that ;and ;whether-complementizer

Complementizer is a marker of clausal subordination. It servers to introduce subordinate clause.


<Forms of finite clauses>

a. I thought ;that ;George said ;that ;she burned the meat.

b. Sarah asked ;whether ;those stupid sausages were ready yet.


(1) Complement of V within VP

a. I thought [George said [she burned the meat]

b. The critics noticed [that the book had a missing chapter]

c. Anna told him [(that) his shirt was hanging out]


(2) Complement of A within AP

a. The men seemed [happy that The had not been chosen]]

b. Drivers were [anxious [that they had made mistakes]]

c. She made him [aware [that he had overstepped the mark]]

d. William is certain [her hair is dyed]


(3) Complement of N within NP

a. The news [that Sophie has arrived]

( ;contention, idea, suggestion, rumor)

b. *The book [that Sophie has arrived]

(newspaper, article, programme, bucket)

c. It is a well known fact that beavers build dams.

d. His absence [indicates that he approves]-VP

e. His absence is [indicative that he approves]-AP

f. His absence is [an indication that he approves]-NP


(4) Complement of P within PP

a. The question of [whether they should set up a website] was raised.


2) Non-finite clauses (lack of tense)

(1) Forms of non-finite clauses.

) Bare infinitive verb

a. She made him [repair her socks ]

b. All you have to do is [pull the trigger slowly]

) To-infinitive verb

a. We declined his invitation [to taste the wine]

b. He is thought [to be hiding in Brazil]

c. [For Max to have been beaten] is barely credible.

) Past (Passive) participle verbs.

a. I want [these accusations investigated]

b. I saw [you book reviewed in the paper]

c. [The truck loaded], we took a rest.

) -ing participle verbs

a. He always had difficulty in [apologizing]

b. Judith was busy [ cleaning the house]

c. [Murdoch having been hospitalized], I conducted a bedside interview.


(2) Functions of non-finite clauses

) Complement of A within AP

a. Max is reluctant [to try it]

b. ;That piano is impossible [to move]

c. That piano is impossible [for the dancers to move].


That piano is impossible [to move]

[To move that piano] is impossible.

It is impossible [to move the piano]


) Complement of P within PP

a. He was hopeless at [writing letters]

b. This result in [Murdoch being hospitalized]

c. With [the enemies approaching], Argon capitulated.


) Complement of N within NP

a. We simply ignored [his appeals [for us to join the folk-dance]]

b. [His ability [to think]] was severely impaired by the experience.

c. [His proposal [to show us his holiday snaps]] was treated politely.


) Complement of V within VP

Type 1 verbs

Verbs that take just a single clausal complements with overt subject.

assume, believe, consider, desire, expect, feel, hear, know, like, prefer, watch, suppose, regret


a. I believe [William to have been in the garden].

b. I'd prefer [the butler to taste it first]

c. He had heard [Victoria and Albert singing that duet].

d. She found [the icon buried in the wall]

e. Marcel watched [Magda polish off the toast].

polish off -먹어치우다


Type 2 verbs.

Verbs that take two complements, a direct object NP and a clausal complement with a covert (controlled) subject.

advise, ask, compel, encourage, force, promise, persuade, dare, ;etc.


a. I promised [Herzog] [to wear the wig]

b. I promised [Herzog] [PRO to wear the wig] c. I asked [Astrid] [to make no comment]

d. I asked [Astrid] [PRO to make no comment]

e. I forced [John] [to wear the wig]

f. I persuaded the bear to dance.

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